
Stationery Show Round Up (Part Three): Albertine Press, Pretty Bitter, Oh My Word

I'm feeling a bit better, not all the way there, but close, so I thought I'd get part 3 up before I completely forget what it was I liked. So up first is Albertine Press out of Boston. I love anything awesome or tongue in cheek. So it's a no brainer. It doesn't hurt that their cards are also pretty.

Next up is Pretty Bitter, makers of man notes and also very tongue in cheek and possibly offensive. I'll just show you my very favorite:

I don't have any good pics, but if you like what's above you'll probably also like Oh My Word.

That's it, I'm pooped. Hope you enjoyed it like I did.


Shelley Barandes said...

Hi Laure,

Thanks for the shout out! Sadly, those cards aren't ours - they look like Orange Beautiful (also great letterpress gals, but out of Chicago).

Best wishes,

Shelley, Albertine Press

Anonymous said...

hey laurie.
leslie from oh my word here. i also thank you for the awesome props, and i do have good pics of the cards!
give me a holler and i'll email you some jpgs.



laure said...

oh woops, sorry albertine! I knew I'd get mixed up somewhere! Will you send me images of your favorites because I know I love your booth!