I've written the first part of about 5 different posts over the last week or so but just haven't been able to finish them. What's on my mind (beside boring jury duty, blech) is that I found out my kitty is sick. She's got cancer and, by the looks of things, isn't going to last a long time. So we're spending time together, she's eating raw chicken and generally getting anything she wants (including full license to drink out of the toilet) and I am oscillating between feeling grateful to have had her and then really sad about losing her. Also, I don't want to be 'that cat lady' who's all upset about her cat. But I am all upset about my cat.
I've had her three years, but she was an Abyssinian Queen breeding kitty for 7 years before that, so she's given lots of litters and probably depleted her little body. She's a good cat: playful, sits in the sink waiting for the faucet to get turned on, a good meow-er, a hunter, etc. Shes had a good life with me, so I have that as a comfort.
Aw, I would be super upset if my kitty were sick too. There's nothing wrong with being upset about it, pets are like our children, in a way.
I'm glad you're spending quality time with her.
That is so sad! Im sorry!
Oh, I'm sorry that your kitty is sick! And you have every right to be that cat lady... it's no fun losing a friend, whether it be a human friend, animal friend, or plant friend. :/
But it's nice to hear that you're spoiling her, I'm sure she appreciates it a lot. :)
Listen you are not "that cat lady", promise. Cats and dogs are incredible parts of our lives and the finest companions to mankind.
These passages do happen as part of life but knowing it doesn't make the loss any less bitter to experience.
I've lost one cat, still have three, and just stood by a friend who lost his. I can suggest to treasure these days with her for as long as they last.
Bless you both.
aww, thanks guys, it's comforting to hear from other people! She's such a sweet kitty, I just want to make sure she doesn't suffer!
Oh Laure - i'm so sorry! And i completely understand. Pets are pets, whether they be cats, dogs, or hamsters. I'm glad to hear you're spoiling her and spending as much time as possible with her. xoxo
I am so sorry. and if being "that cat lady" means you truly love and care about your kitty than I don't think that's a bad thing to be.
Laure, I am very sorry about your kitty! Having lost two kitties myself these past six months, I know how difficult it can be. Thank goodness for all the memories you have of how she was before she got sick.
I'm sorry to hear about your kitty! I don't think you ever have to apologize over feeling upset over a pet. They're part of the family!
Oh no! Laure, that's rough news about your kitty. Pets are definitely part of the family. It sounds like you're doing the best you can. And don't worry about being a "cat lady"...anyone who's ever loved and lost an animal will understand. (I was a wreck when my siamese died a few years ago.)
Sending both of you warm & fuzzy thoughts,
shes so pretty! its such terrible news - but it seems like she had a good life with you. i'm a wreck each time an animal dies, its just hard not to get emotional attached to something that is such a big part of your day to day life.
f*ck stupid cancer.
on a totally random side note. i have that same deer needlepoint with the weirdo mario bros clouds. isn't it strange? this is the only time i've ever seen it anywhere else beside my guest bedroom...too bad its pops up on this really sad post.
i'm sorry. i didn't want to be 'that dog lady' but after finding a stray mutt last year and taking him in and loving him and becoming well, pretty obsessed with his fabulousness, I sometimes find my heart aching just at the thought of something maybe happening to him. he has become an integral part of our family, my son now walks on all 4 and gives me licks instead of kisses. point being, the love for and with an animal can be a strong bond and it's heartbreaking when they hurt. cheers to chicken and a bowl of milk in bed!
Aw, I'm feeling so comforted, thank you. Had a nice big cry before getting into bed (she is sleeping under the bed) and feel exhausted. Oh kitty. What will i do when you arent here?
And Morgan, between the yellow lamp and the deer needlepoint ( which I found in a thrift store in Oregon btw) we could start some kind of twin room decor blog.
My cat has been pretty sick lately too. And I've been letting her drink from the toilet. It is so emotionally trying! Sending happy thoughts your way.....
My cat of 18 years died about 2 years ago and I still miss him sometimes. It's ok to be the Cat Lady, your pets are part of the family. So don't let anyone tell you you can't be sad.
I hope you get to spend as much time with her as possible. I'm sure she know how much you care.
So sorry to read about your kitty. It's normal to feel sad- she's a part of your family. And like others have said, that doesn't make you a crazy cat lady.
I normally don't comment on blogs that I read but I feel like I have to because I just lost my wonderful cat, Miss Brandz three weeks ago. I still miss her like crazy everyday. I had only had her for two years before she died and about 11 months after I adopted her she was diagnosed with kidney failure. My only advice for you is to be VERY present with her. Don't take any time for granted with her and give her the most love you have to give to keep her happy and completely comfortable and when it's time you'll know, but don't dwell on that until you have to. I hope that helps a little. I am so very sorry for what you're going through.
That was the Worst night so far, she started panting from the fluid in her lungs and only sleeps kind of upright. Im crying at jury duty. Thanks for making me feel more normal, though. It helps to know how much other people understand.. Thanks kristin especially for chiming in and I'm so sorry for your loss.
Go ahead and be 'that cat lady' all you want. I'd do the same. She sounds like a wonderful cat (I love it when mine sit in the sink and wait for the water, too). So sorry to hear about her cancer -- very rough, I'm sure. Lots of cat fanciers, and general pet lovers, out here in the interwebs thinking of you and little miss and wishing you the best...
I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. I absolutely love that pic, though -- what a face, so much character! I have been dealing with a near-death cat myself, so I feel your pain. Hang in there.
hi laure - so sorry about your kitty! everyone i know who has loved their pets and lost them, has had the same type of feelings, including me. some ppl were surprised how much it affected them... i still cry when i think about my dog and it's been a long long time. i hope your kitty is as comfortable as possible, and i'm glad you are at least getting a chance to spoil her before saying goodbye. it must be so so hard. best wishes for both of you. she's really beautiful.
my heart goes out to you, and i am sending best wishes for you and your kitty. be strong, both of you.
I'm sooo sorry about your sweet kitty. I lost my cat of 12 years to kidney failure in March. It's still not easy - I miss him so much. God bless you & your sweetie :)
Your posts just breaks my heart especially since I am going through the very same thing with my 11 yr old Dusty Road who has kidney failure. I too, am going to extraordinary measures to keep him comfortable and stable until his time comes. Your cat is so beautiful and lucky to have your love & companionship. Take care & be strong.
She's sleeping in the sun now and I feel torn about putting her down. She is having a lot of trouble breathing, but she's just sleeping. I really want her to pass as she sleeps and not have to get transported around in the car to get a shot and die. Does anyone have any experience with euthanizing their pets?
I've lost 3 dear cats. Two have come back to spend time with me (ok, I know you think I'm crazy) I know that they still romp and love in the afterlife. Tell her to look up one named Tonto and he will fight off any dogs or mean cats for her. He was a real love. Liked women and loved other cats.
So sorry to hear about your cat. We lost our Miles last year after we tried everything to save him, but in the end, his little heart - so full of love - just couldn't keep up. I am definitely the crazy lady who talks about how sad she is over her cat on her blog.
Such a sad post...it´s always so hard to loose an animal, I really know that. I´ve lost 2 dogs and one cat in 2 years...that was really a hard time...
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