
On why I love Venice

The homeless guy listening to his boombox while drinking a beer outside the liquor store asked me if I was a model, so I guess you could say that today's a good day.


Decs said...

Ha! I love that. It made your day, huh?

john said...

That was you? I hope I didn't embarrass you with that remark.

dash said...

one day when I was feeling particularly bad about myself, taking a long walk to work things out, I stopped into a bodega in greenpoint. paying for my orangina, the big, burly man behind the counter said, "thank you, beautiful."

totally made my day.

Fifi Flowers said...

LOL... I love Venice... haven't been there in awhile, but it is ALWAYS an experience that's for sure... enjoy your super model status!

Anonymous said...

i adore venice, my husband proposed to me while we were there on a suprise trip for his 40th