My friend Jamie sent this link to me with the subject: The Laure I Know. Oh and she knows me well. The cupcake, the lace paper, the delicateness, the way it inspires me to hold it so tightly that I squish it. I'm going to have to buy some of these...
Just came across your blog, its lovely and I'll be coming back!
I love reading and looking at anything about the home.
I love the look of these cupcakes, too pretty!
take care
From Ireland
That is probably one of the most gorgeous images I have ever seen!
Lisa & Alfie
Wow. I'm in love! Betty Crocker's insta-cakes will looks perfect in these. I'm totally getting some. Thanks for the tip!
Welcome Jasmine! I'm glad you stumbled on!
Also glad you guys love these liners as much as I do!
Hi, i just found your blog and its brilliant!
These beautiful liners that you've featured were also recently in Donna Hay Kids australian magasine. I have been dying to buy them ever since, but the magasine wouldnt divulge the source because Donna Hay is also opening a store and plans to stock them. How awful is that?
Can you please please help - where can i buy them online??
You can buy them here: http://bit.ly/9OUmdP and here: http://lisasu.etsy.com
Oh my god, there is a great deal of worthwhile data above!
Cake is a fantastic favor for all occasion. You need clear cupcake wrappers because these are able to show the cupcake decoration without any wall. As these types of wrappers are easily available now , We can buy such boxes through various online stores like lace cupcake wrappers .
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