
Paris Apartment

French Month continues with my drooling over The Paris Apartment website and blog and book. This woman Claudia started a showroom in New York out of her love for Paris. She takes trips twice a year to replenish her inventory of furniture and also works as a designer creating boudoir spaces (which is what the book appears to be about).

Now I'm not normally the romantic/boudoir girl by nature (more crisp/fresh) but I can't resist these interiors. Perhaps I'm letting some of my inner french girl out?

I'm even charmed by this simple before and after from the blog. It's about the curtains but someone please tell me what that piece of furniture is under the pile of fabric! There is, for me, something irresistable about simple blue and white, high ceilings and hardwood floors:

UPDATE: Claudia was nice enough to send me a picture of what is under that pile of fabric. Behold the beauty!:


The Paris Apartment said...

ok well now that IS embarassing LOL! so glad that it brought me to your site tho, can't wait to dig in!! love your pics and philosophy, there's a lot to be said for the zen of housework!

laure said...

ahhh yes, the zen of housework. hadn;t thought to put it that way but absolutely spot on!