Today I had something disappointing happen. I'm trying to look on the bright side and learn from it, but, still, it's raining outside and I'm feeling a little bit blue. Luckily the roses outside are blooming out of control. So I snipped some and filled this sweet little elephant to help get my spirits back up. It makes me smile every time I look over.
What do you do to cheer yourself up after suffering a setback?
oh no! i hope everything is all right?
i make myself a bit of tea and knit or go for a run. or have a glass of wine on the phone with an old friend.
your roses are beautiful, at least.
kelly--yes yes, everything is actually fine, just job stuff!
Exercise is a great reminder. I always feel better once I've gone outside and taken deep breaths.
where is that delightful elephant from?
it's from cost plus! but it reminded me of Jonathan Adler's Elephants for 1/10th the price!
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that... I've had similar disappointments in my job and it did make me feel very blue-it's hard to control, no matter how hard you try no to worry and be sad, especially when it's unfair or when it's somebody else's jealousy or frustration that gets in you way (very common for people our age who can be resented just for being young and talented). What I do to cheer myself up in such cases is eat chocolate and/or bake (classic ones), call my friends, groom my cats, sort photos of past vacation, and just generally try to look at the big picture (personal and professional)... and also think about past accomplishments that I'm proud of. Hey, not long ago you were featured in a renowned magazine!! I hope this helps, and I can tell it will get better for you, seeing how talented you are-- you have great taste and are very creative, so I'm not worried. And your being half-French also sets you apart in many ways. I hope we'll finally meet in person soon! I'm now busy buying a house (yes, I AM crazy), but I'll call as soon as it becomes less hectic here! Bises et amitiés de Rébecca
here's to hoping you're fully cheered :) so sorry to hear about the disappointment...it can be quite difficult to look on the bright side, so at least you are that far along. as for me, curling up on the couch with my shaggy pup, a cup of coffee and a good book / design magazine usually works in perking me up. the artful words in a book or the eye candy of a mag usually give me a burst of inspiration that make me want to conquer any setbacks and surpass them full force. hope your tomorrow is twice as lovely to make up for today.
i ask my husband for a hug. i snuggle with my dogs. and i bake a recipe that i know will turn out. then everything seems a whole lot better. the weather today was really weird in southern california! i hope your week and the weather improve!
I'm sorry to hear about your let-down. I usually try to cheer myself up by trusting that it happened for a reason -- and something even better is on its way.
Goodness, I am in love with that elephant! I may have to go pick one up for myself.
I hope things turn your way soon!
That would make me smile too, very sweet.
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