She's been doing a lot of sleeping in the sun. I pet her, she does her best to purr. These are the moments I will remember. I love seeing her giant ears backlit by the sun. I love the fawny color of her fur. I love that she lets me cradle her head in my hand and then shows me where she wants me to pet her. I will miss her enormously.
Update: I let her go today. Thanks for all the kind words. It does actually help.
Laure--I'm so sorry... you are def not a crazy cat lady for being upset and sad. I'd go crazy if my little g-bo was sick:(
If only she could understand what a blog is... she'd be much appreciative of this post. :)
oh, this just made me cry. i'm so deeply sorry about your kitty (what a great mommy you are, though) and i'm sending love to both of you. xo
You're bringing tears to my eyes.
Wish your kitty a lot more good hours in the sun and cuddle time with you.
She's beautiful.
i know how hard it is to lose a cat. i'm sorry you have to go through that. as much pain as there will be, you'll always remember the good things, the curls-up-in-your-laps, the purrs. i have a picture of my snowball in my studio - his fur's messed up on his face, and he's giving one of those "you gotta be kidding me" faces he was known for. it makes me smile every time i see it.
best wishes always!
I feel so much for you and what you are going through. It's much harder to lose a pet than most people realize. Just remember that you gave her love and a life beyond the cattery/breeding, one she deserved and welcomed with love of her own for you. You did a wonderful thing and continue to do it by letting her live out the rest of her days in peace with you at home. She looks so happy and content, warming herself in that patch of sun.
I'm so sorry. Now I want to go "hug" my kitty.
never been to your site before tonight, stumbled on it really. but this made tears fill up and almost spill. i too have cats, a dog at the end of his life. and prepared as you can be, it is hard. appreciating those moments before is hard, and we try. to remember. my heart goes out to you...
found your blog a few weeks ago while stumbling through some other ones. I read your post aloud to my husband and couldn't do it without my voice cracking--my eyes welled with tears. I'm so sorry...
I've been looking at your blog pics for only a few days, but wanted to come out to share that I'm moved by your love for your darling cat. I'm so sorry.
tookshire--thank you for chiming in.
elauinc--thank you to you, too.
bethanypaige2--I appreciate it.
daisy maye--that's totally what I try to remember, it's hard in moments.
Cance--awww, that is so sweet and I totally understand!
Thanks shelley, she certainly was beautiful.
Nina79, I feel like we got a lot of good sunshine time in. Of course I would have loved years more, I'm glad I got the chance to sort of stop everything and spend the time.
Megan, thank you.
Sparkle, I have this weird feeling that she totally knew what a blog was.
and finally, thank you beth.
you guys are wonderful, thanks for taking the time to write a little something, everyone's comments have been a comfort.
so so sorry, Laure. Bunny and I are thinkin' about ya...
Such a sweet little girl - my thoughts are with you both :)
I still miss my loves who have left us before, but two of my cats came back as ghosts. I know it sounds crazy, but it happened, and it was so comforting that they would come back to say something that felt a lot like 'thank you'.
So sorry to read about your kitty, I had to let mine go too - she was sick with kidney disease. It's been over a year and I still miss her almost daily. I had mine for 13 years so in that respect I was lucky, but that doesn't make it any easier --- I don't think you're crazy about the way you're feeling (or perhaps we both are?) ;) ... take care
oh klynnnn--Im so sorry to hear that. my heart goes out to you, I can't even begin to imagine a loss like that.
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