
Summer Reading

I've been hitting up my local library to read up on interior design and find some summer reading books. Man, how great is the library? It's free, doesn't contribute to clutter and I can satisfy my craving for new stuff.

Summer is also a great time to commit to reading some books and not just magazines. At least for me...

Here are some of my recent favorites:

Living in Style without Losing your Mind. A great companion to Apartment Therapy, it's all about designing for living not necessarily so that it will look like it belongs in a magazine. I'm halfway through and want to quote most of what I've read already.

The Abstinence Teacher by Tom Perrota. Just finished this. He also wrote Little Children which was both a great movie and a great book.

Handmade Modern came out a while ago but has some really inspiring diy projects that all have a mid century/california style. I don't know if I'll actually make any of them, but it was great to flip through.

Do you have a book you would recommend? I'm looking for a fiction book to read now that I'm done with the abstinence teacher.


  1. Anonymous6/23/2008

    Hi, Laure. I found your blog through Terri Sapienza's mention in the Washington Post. As a professional organizer, I appreciate your simple-living aesthetic and as a former Angeleno, I enjoy seeing photos of the city. I recommend using the library to all my clients, as book clutter can build up quickly. My suggestion for your next book is A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. Although the subject is dark, the book is beautifully written and well worth reading.

  2. Ooh thanks, I'm off to the library now to return books and check out some new ones, I'll definitely get this one.

  3. i love this site.

    congrats on the wash post mention, too! and, as soon as i get back to the states, i will hit a proper book shop asap and pour over all of these recs...and maybe find more.

    thanks for all this inspiration...

  4. oooh, where are you karey m.? anywhere with cool inspiring things?
