
Family Influences

My family has been a huge influence on me in terms of style. On one side I've got old school California, on the other I've got hard core Parisian. Check out Apartment Therapy for a peek into my grandmother's apartment in Paris. I love her helter skelter style. She surrounds herself with things she loves and always makes people feel warm and comfortable in her home. She's a natural entertainer.

On a side note, this apartment is being sold for her to move to the country to be closer to my aunt, etc. Hopefully I'll be going to see that house in person coming in June to help organize and decorate (yay!).


Stacy said...

Your grandmother has great taste. I love the frog!

laure said...

Thanks Stacy, I love the frog too. I want one for myself!

Candis said...

I love this picture - something about it is just very inviting to me - not sure what exactly - but I thought about it later in the day - interesting....

laure said...

candis--I feel the same way...