I've been putting a lot of time into my posts over at Apartment Therapy and even had one of them picked up by the New York Times Book Blog. So that's going well, but I always feel guilty if I haven't spent more time over here where things are a bit more personal and laid back. So over this 3 day weekend I hope to plant some seeds to keep things growing her At Home.
What do you guys like the most? What would you like to see more of?
Hey, cool to be cited on NY times book blog!!! I like when you do short road trips (close to home). Umi
Oooo, my favorite of your posts are about anything LA, anything French, pottery, and your own home!
Same here - - I love posts about your own place. Any kind of original content with your photos is what I like best. I also like when you post about LA stores. Nice to know what kind of good shopping is out there next time I visit.
Same here - - I love posts about your own place. Any kind of original content with your photos is what I like best. I also like when you post about LA stores. Nice to know what kind of good shopping is out there next time I visit.
Thanks for the feedback, those are all the things I like posting about the most! So that's easy.
I love all your France/French posts!
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