
Top Ten Again

I'm feeling overwhelmed with stuff, so here's a top ten of things I would do if I had more time this week:

1. Call my friends back
2. Update At Home At Home banner/all around update my blog to something more individual
3. Buy groceries
4. Catch up on my feeds
5. Write thank you cards (on really cute notecards that I would also have the time to go and buy)
6. Watch VH1! (I don't want to waste the fact that I have cable in the sublet)
7. Bake a cake
8. Read
9. Get a haircut
10.Lay the fuck down


Bob LLama said...

My top ten:

1. 2
2. 1
3. 3
4. 2 (Seriously, love that 2!)
5. 4
6. 6 (Fuck 5)
7. 2 (for good measure)
8. π
9. x (so mysterious and versatile!)
10. 455464535674655655344552614

laure said...

I've got a number for you ; )